​​​Welcome Local Agencies​

Welcome to the California Department of Community Services & Development's Local Agencies Portal.

This website permanently replaces the Department of Community Service & Development (CSD) Providers' Website, which is no longer available​.​

Please use your CSD-issued credentials to log in to the Local Agencies Portal. 

When logging in, be sure to enter your user ID in the following format: [userID]@csd.ca.gov (e.g.,77777TUser@csd.ca.gov).

​If you have been issued Combined Outcome Reporting Engine (CORE)​ credentials, please use your CORE login information to access the Local Agencies Portal. Your credentials for both ​​​systems will remain the same, and you will not be issued separate login details for the Portal. Please note that if you change your password in CORE your new password must be entered to access the Local Agencies Portal, and vice versa. 

​As a reminder, please enter your user ID in the following format: [userID]@csd.ca.gov. 

Other personal or organizational Microsoft credentials will not be valid, and only your ​CSD issued credentials will grant you access to the site​.​

For help logging in, changing​ your password, unlocking your Local Agencies Portal account, or other troubleshooting needs, please refer to the following user guide.​

​Local Agencies Portal User Guide

The Local Agencies Portal uses Microsoft technology to manage user accounts. If you or your organization use other Microsoft-based accounts you may receive an error when attempting to login to the Local Agencies Portal. Please access the following Supplemental User Guide and Step-b​y-St​ep Video to troubleshoot this particular issue.​

If you do not have an account and need to register for the Local Agencies Portal ​or have not received new CSD login credentials, please email CSD ​at ExternalAccess@cs​​d.ca.gov. ​

​​​Please Note: The Local Agencies Portal is intended for use by CSD's Local Service Providers, Community Services Block Grant Agencies, and contractors. Access to this site is restricted to authorized CSD Agencies/Contractors, staff, and affiliates. All registration requests are subject to CSD review and approval, and CSD reserves the right to terminate the access of any unauthorized user(s) without notice.

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